

About Vocational Education

NSQF is a nationally integrated education and competency based skill framework that will provide for multiple pathways both within vocational education and between general and vocational education to link one level of learning to another higher level and enable learners to progress to higher levels from any starting point in education and skill system. It is a framework to enhance employability skills of our students by introducing applied learning skills in integration with academic stream.

The trainings conducted in the scheme are based on the Nation Occupational Standards set by NSDC through its Sector Skill Councils. The scheme also mandates the SSCs to conduct assessments and certification jointly with the State Board

IT Lab

Guest Lecture

NSQF is providing a Certified and expert Resource persons from near-by industries came to schools and share their skills and experiences with students to give them more knowledge about the skills/sectors which help them to get more interest and inspiration in the subject.

Field Visit /On job Training

Student were taken to near-by industries for experience the live working and learn things practically. A real time job-training is provided to students in their concerned skills/sectors.

Counselling session/ Job Fair

A counselling session for students of L-4 is organized to guide them for future. For the students who are interested in placement, Job fair is organized where a number of employers and job seekers come together for the purpose of applying and interviewing for jobs.


After counselling of students, those who are interested in placements, A job fair is organized and students placed in company of their choice and requiments. Their is also a facility of apprenticeship for students.

Automobile Lab

NSQF Trade available in PM Shri GSSS Jattal

  • IT/ITEs
  • Automotive